Class TrossenArmDriver
Defined in File trossen_arm.hpp
Class Documentation
class TrossenArmDriver
Trossen Arm Driver.
Public Functions
Destroy the Trossen Arm Driver object.
void configure(Model model, EndEffectorProperties end_effector, const std::string serv_ip, bool clear_error)
Configure the driver.
- Parameters:
model – Model of the robot
end_effector – End effector properties
serv_ip – IP address of the robot
clear_error – Whether to clear the error state of the robot
void cleanup()
Cleanup the driver.
void set_all_positions(const std::vector<float> &goal_positions, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_velocities = std::nullopt, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_accelerations = std::nullopt)
Set the positions of all joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
goal_positions – Positions in rad for arm joints and m for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal positions should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal positions are reached, default true
goal_feedforward_velocities – Optional: feedforward velocities in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint, default zeros
goal_feedforward_accelerations – Optional: feedforward accelerations in rad/s^2 for arm joints and m/s^2 for the gripper joint, default zeros
void set_arm_positions(const std::vector<float> &goal_positions, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_velocities = std::nullopt, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_accelerations = std::nullopt)
Set the positions of the arm joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of arm joints
- Parameters:
goal_positions – Positions in rad
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal positions should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal positions are reached, default true
goal_feedforward_velocities – Optional: feedforward velocities in rad/s, default zeros
goal_feedforward_accelerations – Optional: feedforward accelerations in rad/s^2, default zeros
void set_gripper_position(float goal_position, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, float goal_feedforward_velocity = 0.0f, float goal_feedforward_acceleration = 0.0f)
Set the position of the gripper.
- Parameters:
goal_position – Position in m
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal position should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal position is reached, default true
goal_feedforward_velocity – Optional: feedforward velocity in m/s, default zero
goal_feedforward_acceleration – Optional: feedforward acceleration in m/s^2, default zero
void set_joint_position(uint8_t joint_index, float goal_position, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, float goal_feedforward_velocity = 0.0f, float goal_feedforward_acceleration = 0.0f)
Set the position of a joint.
- Parameters:
joint_index – The index of the joint in [0, num_joints - 1]
goal_position – Position in rad for arm joints and m for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal position should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal position is reached, default true
goal_feedforward_velocity – Optional: feedforward velocity in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint, default zero
goal_feedforward_acceleration – Optional: feedforward acceleration in rad/s^2 for arm joints and m/s^2 for the gripper joint, default zero
void set_all_velocities(const std::vector<float> &goal_velocities, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_accelerations = std::nullopt)
Set the velocities of all joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
goal_velocities – Velocities in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal velocities should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal velocities are reached, default true
goal_feedforward_accelerations – Optional: feedforward accelerations in rad/s^2 for arm joints and m/s^2 for the gripper joint, default zeros
void set_arm_velocities(const std::vector<float> &goal_velocities, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, const std::optional<std::vector<float>> &goal_feedforward_accelerations = std::nullopt)
Set the velocities of the arm joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of arm joints
- Parameters:
goal_velocities – Velocities in rad
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal velocities are reached, default true
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal velocities should be reached, default 2.0s
goal_feedforward_accelerations – Optional: feedforward accelerations in rad/s^2, default zeros
void set_gripper_velocity(float goal_velocity, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, float goal_feedforward_acceleration = 0.0f)
Set the velocity of the gripper.
- Parameters:
goal_velocity – Velocity in m/s
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal velocity should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal velocity is reached, default true
goal_feedforward_acceleration – Optional: feedforward acceleration in m/s^2, default zero
void set_joint_velocity(uint8_t joint_index, float goal_velocity, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true, float goal_feedforward_acceleration = 0.0f)
Set the velocity of a joint.
- Parameters:
joint_index – The index of the joint in [0, num_joints - 1]
goal_velocity – Velocity in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal velocity should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal velocity is reached, default true
goal_feedforward_acceleration – Optional: feedforward acceleration in rad/s^2 for arm joints and m/s^2 for the gripper joint, default zero
void set_all_external_efforts(const std::vector<float> &goal_external_efforts, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true)
Set the external efforts of all joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
goal_external_efforts – External efforts in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal external efforts should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal external efforts are reached, default true
void set_arm_external_efforts(const std::vector<float> &goal_external_efforts, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true)
Set the external efforts of the arm joints.
The size of the vectors should be equal to the number of arm joints
- Parameters:
goal_external_efforts – External efforts in Nm
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal external efforts should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal external efforts are reached, default true
void set_gripper_external_effort(float goal_external_effort, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true)
Set the external effort of the gripper.
- Parameters:
goal_external_effort – External effort in N
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal external effort should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal external effort is reached, default true
void set_joint_external_effort(uint8_t joint_index, float goal_external_effort, float goal_time = 2.0f, bool blocking = true)
Set the external effort of a joint.
- Parameters:
joint_index – The index of the joint in [0, num_joints - 1]
goal_external_effort – External effort in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
goal_time – Optional: goal time in s when the goal external effort should be reached, default 2.0s
blocking – Optional: whether to block until the goal external effort is reached, default true
void load_configs_from_file(const std::string &file_path)
Load configurations from a YAML file and set them.
- Parameters:
file_path – The file path to load the configurations
void set_factory_reset_flag(bool flag = true)
Set the factory reset flag.
- Parameters:
flag – Whether to reset the configurations to factory defaults at the next startup
void set_ip_method(IPMethod method = IPMethod::manual)
Set the IP method.
- Parameters:
method – The IP method to set, one of IPMethod::manual or IPMethod::dhcp
void set_manual_ip(const std::string manual_ip = "")
Set the manual IP.
- Parameters:
manual_ip – The manual IP address to set
void set_dns(const std::string dns = "")
Set the DNS.
- Parameters:
dns – The DNS to set
void set_gateway(const std::string gateway = "")
Set the gateway.
- Parameters:
gateway – The gateway to set
void set_subnet(const std::string subnet = "")
Set the subnet.
- Parameters:
subnet – The subnet to set
void set_joint_characteristics(const std::vector<JointCharacteristic> &joint_characteristics)
Set the joint characteristics.
effort_correction: [0.5, 2.0]
friction_transition_velocity: positive
continuity_factor: [1.0, 10.0]
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
Some joint characteristics are required to be within the following ranges
- Parameters:
joint_characteristics – Joint characteristics
void set_effort_corrections(const std::vector<float> &effort_corrections)
Set the effort corrections.
This configuration is used to map the efforts in Nm or N to the motor effort unit, i.e., effort_correction = motor effort unit / Nm or N
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
Each element in the vector should be within the range [0.5, 2.0]
- Parameters:
effort_corrections – Effort corrections in motor effort unit / Nm or N
void set_friction_transition_velocities(const std::vector<float> &friction_transition_velocities)
Set the friction transition velocities.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
Each element in the vector should be positive
- Parameters:
friction_transition_velocities – Friction transition velocities in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint
void set_friction_constant_terms(const std::vector<float> &friction_constant_terms)
Set the friction constant terms.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
friction_constant_terms – Friction constant terms in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
void set_friction_coulomb_coefs(const std::vector<float> &friction_coulomb_coefs)
Set the friction coulomb coefs.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
friction_coulomb_coefs – Friction coulomb coefs in Nm/Nm for arm joints and N/N for the gripper joint
void set_friction_viscous_coefs(const std::vector<float> &friction_viscous_coefs)
Set the friction viscous coefs.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
friction_viscous_coefs – Friction viscous coefs in Nm/(rad/s) for arm joints and N/(m/s) for the gripper joint
void set_continuity_factors(const std::vector<float> &continuity_factors)
Set the continuity factors.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
Each element in the vector should be within the range [1.0, 10.0]
- Parameters:
continuity_factors – Continuity factors in 1 that scales the base continuity constraint
void set_joint_modes(const std::vector<Mode> &modes)
Set the modes of each joint.
The size of the vector should be equal to the number of joints
- Parameters:
modes – Desired modes for each joint, one of
void set_all_modes(Mode mode = Mode::idle)
Set all joints to the same mode.
- Parameters:
mode – Desired mode for all joints, one of
void set_arm_modes(Mode mode = Mode::idle)
Set the mode of the arm joints.
This method does not change the gripper joint’s mode
- Parameters:
mode – Desired mode for the arm joints, one of
void set_gripper_mode(Mode mode = Mode::idle)
Set the mode of the gripper joint.
This method does not change the arm joints’ mode
- Parameters:
mode – Desired mode for the gripper joint, one of
void set_end_effector(const EndEffectorProperties &end_effector)
Set the end effector properties.
- Parameters:
end_effector – The end effector properties
void set_gripper_force_limit_scaling_factor(float scaling_factor = 0.5f)
Set the gripper force limit scaling factor.
It must be within [0.0, 1.0], 0.0 for no force, 1.0 for max force in the specifications
- Parameters:
scaling_factor – Scaling factor for the max gripper force
uint8_t get_num_joints() const
Get the number of joints.
- Returns:
Number of joints
std::string get_driver_version() const
Get driver version.
- Returns:
Driver version
std::string get_controller_version() const
Get controller firmware version.
- Returns:
Controller firmware version
std::vector<float> get_positions()
Get the positions.
- Returns:
Positions in rad for arm joints and m for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_velocities()
Get the velocities.
- Returns:
Velocities in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_efforts()
Get the efforts.
- Returns:
Efforts in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_external_efforts()
Get the external efforts.
- Returns:
External efforts in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_compensation_efforts()
Get the compensation efforts.
- Returns:
Compensation efforts in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
void save_configs_to_file(const std::string &file_path)
Save configurations to a YAML file.
- Parameters:
file_path – The file path to store the configurations
bool get_factory_reset_flag()
Get the factory reset flag.
- Returns:
true The configurations will be reset to factory defaults at the next startup
- Returns:
false The configurations will not be reset to factory defaults at the next startup
std::string get_manual_ip()
Get the manual IP.
- Returns:
Manual IP address
std::string get_dns()
Get the DNS.
- Returns:
DNS address
std::string get_gateway()
Get the gateway.
- Returns:
Gateway address
std::string get_subnet()
Get the subnet.
- Returns:
Subnet address
std::vector<JointCharacteristic> get_joint_characteristics()
Get the joint characteristics.
- Returns:
Joint characteristics
std::vector<float> get_effort_corrections()
Get the effort corrections.
- Returns:
Effort corrections in motor effort unit / Nm or N
std::vector<float> get_friction_transition_velocities()
Get the friction transition velocities.
- Returns:
Friction transition velocities in rad/s for arm joints and m/s for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_friction_constant_terms()
Get the friction constant terms.
- Returns:
Friction constant terms in Nm for arm joints and N for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_friction_coulomb_coefs()
Get the friction coulomb coefs.
- Returns:
Friction coulomb coefs in Nm/Nm for arm joints and N/N for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_friction_viscous_coefs()
Get the friction viscous coefs.
- Returns:
Friction viscous coefs in Nm/(rad/s) for arm joints and N/(m/s) for the gripper joint
std::vector<float> get_continuity_factors()
Get the continuity factors.
- Returns:
Continuity factors in 1 that scales the base continuity constraint
std::string get_error_information()
Get the error information of the robot.
- Returns:
Error information
EndEffectorProperties get_end_effector()
Get the end effector mass properties.
- Returns:
The end effector mass property structure
float get_gripper_force_limit_scaling_factor()
Get the gripper force limit scaling factor.
- Returns:
Scaling factor for the max gripper force, 0.0 for no force, 1.0 for max force in the specifications