Trossen Arm Documentation


The libtrossen_arm C++ library and trossen_arm Python package are under heavy development. The API is subject to frequent changes and may not be stable. We advise pinning your dependencies to a specific version to avoid breaking changes and referring to the latest documentation for updates.

What’s Here

  • Specifications - Contains specification information for the Trossen Arms and related hardware.

  • Getting Started - These guides will walk you through the setup process for your Trossen Arm.

  • Tutorials - Step-by-step guides for using the Trossen Arm with third party packages and frameworks.

  • Downloads - Downloadable content related to the Trossen Arm.

  • Troubleshooting - Common issues and their solutions.

  • Changelog - Changes and updates to the Trossen Arm software.

  • Trossen Arm Driver API - Trossen Arm API documentation.

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