Interbotix X-Series Arms


Interbotix ROS robotic arms are the perfect addition to any research facility, university classroom or laboratory. Featuring the DYNAMIXEL X-Series smart servos, the line offers 4, 5 and 6 degree of freedom platforms. All of which are controlled by the same central ROS code repository. All of the X-Series arms are supported with tutorials, videos and software demos including MoveIt and Gazebo simulation, as well as computer vision applications such as pick and place.

Model Name and Store Link Robot Documentation Codename
PincherX-100 Robot Arm PincherX-100 Robot Arm Documentation px100
ReactorX-200 Robot Arm ReactorX-200 Robot Arm Documentation rx200
WidowX-250 Robot 6DOF Arm WidowX-250 Robot 6DOF Arm Documentation wx250s
ViperX-300 Robot 6DOF Arm ViperX-300 Robot 6DOF Arm Documentation vx300s

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