ROS 2 Open Source Packages
To use any of these packages, you must already have ROS 2 and the X-Series Arm packages installed. If you do not have these installed, follow the steps detailed in the ROS 2 Interface Setup.
Below is a list of all ROS 2 packages meant to be used with the X-Series robotic arms sold by Trossen Robotics. Packages were tested on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 and 22.04 using ROS 2 Galactic and Humble respectively. Additionally, all ROS 2 nodes were written using Python or C++. However, any programming language capable of sending ROS 2 messages can be used to control the robots. The core packages inside this repo are as follows:
- interbotix_xsarm_descriptions - contains the meshes and URDFs (including accurate inertial models for the links) for all arm platforms
- interbotix_xsarm_control - contains the motor configuration files and the ‘root’ launch file that is responsible for launching the robot arm
- interbotix_xsarm_sim - contains the config files necessary to simulate an arm in Gazebo classic
- interbotix_xsarm_ros_control - contains configuration files necessary to set up ROS 2 controllers between MoveIt and the physical robot arm
- interbotix_xsarm_moveit - contains the config files necessary to launch an arm using MoveIt
There are also several packages demonstrating possible applications of the core packages. A list of those packages is below in order of importance: