ROS 1 Interface Operation

SLATE Base Node

The SLATE interfaces with ROS using the slate_base_node from the interbotix_slate_driver package.


The slate_base_node publishes to the following topics:

  • odom
    • Type: nav_msgs/Odometry
    • Description: The odometry of the base.
  • battery_state
    • Type: sensor_msgs/BatteryState
    • Description: Battery state information including present voltage and state of charge.


The slate_base_node subscribes to the following topics:

  • cmd_vel
    • Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
    • Description: Velocity commands


The slate_base_node provides the following service servers:

  • set_text

    • Type: std_srvs/SetString
    • Description: Sets the text on the SLATE screen.
  • set_motor_torque_status

    • Type: std_srvs/SetBool
    • Description: If true, enables torque on the drive wheels. If false, disables torque on the drive wheels.


    Torque is enabled on the drive wheels by default.

  • enable_charging

    • Type: std_srvs/SetBool
    • Description: If true, enables charging via the contact charger.


The slate_base_node has the following parameters:

  • publish_tf:
    • Type: bool
    • Description: Setting this to true publishes the odom->base_link TF following REP 105.
    • Default: false
  • odom_frame_name:
    • Type: string
    • Description: The name of the odometry frame when publishing the odom->base_link TF.
    • Default: "odom"
  • base_frame_name:
    • Type: string
    • Description: The name of the base_link frame when publishing the odom->base_link TF.
    • Default: "base_link"


Using rosrun

$ rosrun interbotix_slate_driver slate_base_node