Text Recognition


This text recognition demonstration does the following to get a string representation of text seen through the onboard camera:

  1. Obtain an RBG image from the camera
  2. Perform grayscale and binarization threshold processing on the image
  3. Use the pytesseract text recognition library to recognize the English letters or numbers of the image
  4. Publish the recognized result to the /detect_word_reslut topic


digraph Text_Recognition_Pipeline { rankdir="LR"; "camera" -> "/rgb_image" -> "detect_node" -> "/detect_word_reslut"; "camera" [shape=ellipse]; "/rgb_image" [shape=polygon,sides=4]; "detect_node" [shape=ellipse] "/detect_word_reslut" [shape=polygon,sides=4]; }



Before running this demo, please make sure that all other programs have been terminated using Ctrl + C.

Start up ROS:

$ roscore

Start the text recognition node from the vision package by entering the command in the terminal:

$ rosrun vision detect_node.py

The output of the text recognition program is published to the topic /detect_word_reslut. To inspect the output, enter the following command:

$ rostopic echo /detect_word_reslut