Lifting Barrier Control


LIMO can determine the distance to the lifting barrier by detecting the AR tag on it. When the distance to the tag is less than 0.3m, LIMO will send a message to the topic /chatter_updown to raise or lower the barrier.

This demo uses the ar_track_alvar ROS package to determine the transform (translation, rotation) between the robot’s camera and the Alvar AR tag with ID 0, seen below. This tag should be places on the lifting barrier before you begin this demo.




Use Ctrl + C command to end all the processes before running the below commands.

Start the ORBBEC® Dabai camera:

$ roslaunch astra_camera dabai_u3.launch

Start AR tag detection:

$ roslaunch detect_ros agx_ar_pose.launch

When pub num :1 is shown in the terminal, the lifting barrier will be raised. The LIMO will then have three seconds to pass through the lifting barrier before it lowers again.