
The Blockly section of DobotSCStudio allows you to quickly and conveniently program your robot using the Blockly/Scratch block-based visual programming language.



  • The robot has been powered on


  1. Press the page with the plus icon to start a new project.
  2. Drag the blocks to the code area to start programming.
  • Set the corresponding parameters of each block according to actual needs. For the description of blocks, please refer to Blockly User Manual (CR Robot).
  • In the point page, you can save teaching point that can be called when writing a program.
  1. Save the project, naming it if saving for the first time.
  2. Enable the robot arm.

Blockly Commands

Motion Commands

Line Move


Description: Move from the current position to a target position in straight line mode


  • TargetPoint - Indicate target point, which is obtained from the TeachPoint page

Returns: None

Joint Move


Description: Move from the current position to a target position in point to point mode

Parameters: Indicate the joint angle of the target position, the joint angles is set by Joint data command,

Returns: None

Coordinate Move


Description: Move from the current position to a target position in point to point mode


  • TargetPoint - Indicate target point, which is obtained from the TeachPoint page

Returns: None

Line Offset Move


Description: Move the corresponding offset in X, Y and Z directions from the current position in straight line mode


X - Indicate offset of X axis Y - Indicate offset of Y axis Z - Indicate offset of Z axis

Returns: None

Joint Offset Move


Description: Move the joint offset in each axis from the current position in the Joint coordinate system


  • joint 1 - joint 6 - Indicate angular offset of J1 - J6 axes

Returns: None

Coordinate Offset Move


Description: Move the joint offset in each axis from the current position in point to point mode


X - Indicate coordinate offset of the X axis Y - Indicate coordinate offset of the Y axis Z - Indicate coordinate offset of the Z axis

Returns: None



Description: Move from the current position to a target position in an arc interpolated mode


  • point1 - Indicate the arc’s middle point, obtained from the TeachPoint page
  • point2 - Indicate the arc’s end point, obtained from the TeachPoint page

Returns: None



Description: Move from the current position to a target position in a circular interpolated mode


  • point1 - Indicate the circle’s middle point, obtained from the TeachPoint page
  • point2 - Indicate the circle’s end point, obtained from the TeachPoint page
  • count - number of whole circles, value range: 1 - 999

Returns: None

Joint Data


Description: Set the joint angle


  • joint 1 - joint 6 - Indicate joint angle of J1 - J6 axes

Returns: None

Get Current Joint Data


Description: Get the current position of the robot joints

Parameters: None

Returns: Joint angle of J1 - J6 axes

Get Current Coordinate Data


Description: Get the current pose of the robot

Parameters: None

Returns: Cartesian coordinates of the current pose

I/O Commands

Set Digital Output


Description: Set the status of a digital output port


  • Control end - controller or tool
  • DO - Digital output index. When you select controller, the value range is DO1 - DO16; when you select tool, the value range is DO1 - DO2
  • Status - set the DO to on or off

Returns: None

Wait Digital Input


Description: If any of the following conditions are met, the program continues to execute: - The status of DI is the same as the status set by the instruction - The status of DI is different from the state set by the instruction, while the waiting time exceeds the preset time


  • Control end - controller or tool
  • DI - digital input index. When you select controller, the value range is DI1 - DI32; when you select tool, the value range is DI1 - DI2
  • Status - Indicate status of DI
  • Time - Set the waiting time, if the waiting time value is 0, it will wait until the condition is met


Set Analog Output


Description: Set the value of analog output port


  • Port - analog output index
  • Parameters - the value of the analog output

Returns: None

Digital Input


Description: Get the current I/O status, can be used as a conditional in certain instructions


  • Control end - controller or tool
  • DI - digital input index. When you select controller, the value range is DI1 - DI32; when you select tool, the value range is DI1 - DI2
  • Status - indicate status of DI
  • Time - set the waiting time, if the waiting time value is 0, it will wait forever until the condition is met

Returns: Whether the condition is True or False

Get Analog Input


Description: Get the value of analog input port


  • Control end - controller or tool
  • DI - analog input index

Returns: value of analog input port

Modbus Commands

Get Input Register Address


Description: Read the input register value with the specified data type from the Modbus slave


  • Address - Starting address of the input registers. Value range: 0 - 4095
  • type - Data type
    • Empty - Read 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U16” - Read 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U32” - Read 32-bit unsigned integer (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F32” - Read 32-bit single-precision floating-point number (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F64” - Read 64-bit double-precision floating-point number (eight bytes, occupy four registers)

Returns: input register value

Get Holding Register Address


Description: Read the holding register value from the Modbus slave according to the specified data type


  • Address - starting address of the holding registers. Value range: 0 - 4095
  • type - Data type
    • Empty - Read 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U16” - Read 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U32” - Read 32-bit unsigned integer (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F32” - Read 32-bit single-precision floating-point number (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F64” - Read 64-bit double-precision floating-point number (eight bytes, occupy four registers)

Returns: holding register value

Get Discrete Input Register Address


Description: Read the discrete input register value from Modbus slave


  • Address - starting address of the discrete inputs register. Value range: 0-4095

Returns: discrete input register value

Get Coils Register Address


Description: Read the coil register value from the Modbus slave


  • Address - starting address of the coils register.. Value range: 0-4095

Returns: coil register value

Set Coils Register Address


Description: Set the coil register in the Modbus slave


  • Address - Starting address of the coils register. Value range: 6 - 4095
  • Value - the value written into the coil register

Returns: None


This command is not supported when the coil register address is from 0 to 5

Set Holding Register Address


Description: Set the holding register value in the Modbus slave


  • Address - Starting address of the holding registers to set. Value range: 0 - 4095
  • type - Data type
    • Empty - Read 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U16” - Set 16-bit unsigned integer (two bytes, occupy one register)
    • “U32” - Set 32-bit unsigned integer (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F32” - Set 32-bit single-precision floating-point number (four bytes, occupy two registers)
    • “F64” - Set 64-bit double-precision floating-point number (eight bytes, occupy four registers)

Returns: None

TCP Commands

Open Socket


Description: Create a TCP network with the robot as a client


  • IP - IP address of the server
  • port - port of the server

Returns: None

Get Open Socket Result


Description: Get the connection result

Parameters: None


  • 0 - TCP connection is successful
  • 1 - Input parameters are incorrect
  • 2 - Socket object is not found
  • 3 - Timeout setting is incorrect
  • 4 - If the robot is set as a client, it indicates that the connection is wrong. If the robot is set as a server, it indicates that receiving data is wrong

Create Socket


Description: Create a TCP network, robot as a server


  • IP - address of the server
  • port - Server port



The port cannot be set to 502 and 8080. Otherwise, it will be in conflict with the Modbus default port or the port used in the conveyor tracking application, causing the creation to fail

Get Create Socket Result


Description: Get the connection result

Parameters: None


  • 0 - TCP network created successfully
  • 1 - TCP network creation failed
  • Socket - Socket object

Socket Send Variable


Description: Send data through socket communication

Parameters: Variable: data to be sent

Returns: None

Close Socket


Description: Release a TCP network

Parameters: None

Returns: None

Get Socket Send Result


Description: Get the result of the data communication through the Socket

Parameters: None


  • 0 - Sending data succeeded
  • 1 - Sending data failed

Get Variable


Description: Obtain data through Socket communication


  • Type - string or number
  • Name - Variable used to hold data
  • waiting - time: Set the waiting time, if the waiting time value is 0, it will wait forever until data is received

Returns: None

Variables Commands

Make a Variable


Description: Make a variable


  • Variable Name - Name of the variable to be created.

Returns: Defined Variable


You must start with a letter, and you can’t use special characters like spaces in variable names

Set Variable


Description: Set the value of a variable


  • Name - name of the variable to be set
  • parameter - value of a variable

Returns: None

Change Variable


Description: Modify the value of a variable


  • Name - name of the variable to be changed
  • parameter - The value of an increase or decrease

Returns: None