Mapping using GMapping


GMapping is a commonly used open source SLAM algorithm based on the filtering SLAM framework. GMapping effectively utilizes the wheel odometry information and does not require high frequency of laser LiDAR. When mapping small environments, little processing power is required is low and the accuracy is high.

You can find more information on the openslam_gmapping and slam_gmapping GitHub repositories.



Use Ctrl + C command to end all the processes before running the below commands.


Mapping works best when the LIMO drives slowly through its environment. If it moves around too quickly, mapping quality will be affected.


  1. Start the LIMO. Open a new terminal, and enter the command:

    $ roslaunch limo_bringup limo_start.launch pub_odom_tf:=false
  2. Launch the GMapping processes. In a new terminal, and enter the command:

    $ roslaunch limo_bringup limo_gmapping.launch

    After launching successfully, RViz will be opened and display something like the image below.

  3. Use the mobile app to explore and map out the environment.

Saving the Map

When finished mapping, do the following to save the map to the specified directory:

  1. Switch to the directory where you need to save the map. For example, if you want to save the map to ~/agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/maps/, enter the command:

    cd ~/agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/maps/
  2. After switching to ~/agilex_ws/limo_bringup/maps, enter the command:

    rosrun map_server map_saver -f map1

    This calls the map_saver script from the map_server package to save the map to a file in the current directory, in this case map1 in ~/agilex_ws/limo_bringup/maps.


Use different names for different maps, else you risk overwriting existing map files.


The GMapping package can be configured using the launch file at ~/agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/launch/limo_gmapping.launch

Parameter Type Default Description
~throttle_scans int 1 The scan data threshold to be processed; the default is to process 1 scan data at a time (it can be set larger to skip some scan data)
~base_frame string base_link Robot base coordinate system
~map_frame string map Map coordinate system
~odom_frame string odom Odometer coordinate system
~map_update_interval float 5.0 Map update frequency
~maxUrange float 80 Detect the maximum available range, that is, the range that the beam can reach
~sigma float 0.05 Standard deviation of endpoint matching
~kernelSize int 1 Used to find the corresponding kernel size
~lstep float 0.05 Translation optimization step
~astep float 0.05 Rotation optimization step
~iterations int 5 Scan matching iterations
~lsigma float 0.075 Laser standard deviation for likelihood calculation
~ogain float 3.0 Used for smooth resampling effect during likelihood calculation
~lskip int 0 The number of beams skipped in each scan.
~minimumScore float 0.0 The lowest value of the scan matching result
~srr float 0.1 The mileage error during translation as a translation function (rho/rho)
~srt float 0.2 The mileage error during translation as a rotation function (rho/theta)
~str float 0.1 The mileage error during rotation as a translation function(theta/rho)
~stt float 0.2 The mileage error during rotation as a rotation function (theta/theta)
~linearUpdate float 1.0 The robot translates a certain distance and processes the laser data once
~angularUpdate float 0.5 The robot rotates a certain distance and processes the laser data once
~temporalUpdate float -1.0 If the latest scan processing is slower than the update, one scan is processed. Turn off time-based updates when the value is negative.
~resampleThreshold float 0.5 Resampling threshold based on Neff
~particles int 30 Number of particles in the filter
~xmin float -100.0 The initial minimum size of the map in the x direction
~ymin float -100.0 The initial minimum size of the map in the y direction
~xmax float 100.0 The initial maximum size of the map in the x direction
~ymax float 100.0 The initial maximum size of the map in the y direction
~delta float 0.05 Map resolution
~llsamplerange float 0.01 The translation sampling distance of likelihood calculation
~llsamplestep float 0.01 The translation sampling step of likelihood calculation
~lasamplerange float 0.005 The angle sampling distance of likelihood calculation
~lasamplestep float 0.005 The angle sampling step of likelihood calculation
~transform_publish_period float 0.05 TF transform publishing period
~occ_thresh float 0.25 The threshold of raster map occupancy rate
~maxRange float —— The maximum range of sensor