Training and Evaluation

Virtual Environment Setup

Effective containerization is important when it comes to running machine learning models as there can be conflicting dependencies. You can either use a Virtual Environment or Conda.

Virtual Environment Installation and Setup

  1. Install the virtual environment package:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
  1. Create a virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv ~/act  # Creates a venv "act" in the home directory, can be created anywhere
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
$ source act/bin/activate

Conda Setup

  1. Create a virtual environment:
$ conda create -n aloha python=3.8.10
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
$ conda activate aloha

Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies inside your containerized environment:

$ pip install dm_control==1.0.14
$ pip install einops
$ pip install h5py
$ pip install ipython
$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install mujoco==2.3.7
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install packaging
$ pip install pexpect
$ pip install pyquaternion
$ pip install pyyaml
$ pip install rospkg
$ pip install torch
$ pip install torchvision

Clone Repository

Clone ACT if using Aloha Stationary

$ cd ~
$ git clone act_training_evaluation

Clone ACT++ if using Aloha Mobile

$ cd ~
$ git clone act_training_evaluation

Build and Install ACT Models

 ├── act
    ├── assets
    ├── detr
 ├── conda_env.yaml

Navigate to the detr directory inside the repository and install the detr module whihc contains the model definitions using the below command:

$ cd /path/to/act/detr && pip install -e .


To start the training, follow the steps below:

  1. Sanity Check:

    Ensure you have all the hdf5 episodes located in the correct folder after following the data collection steps Task Creation.

  2. Source ROS Environment:

    $ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    $ source interbotix_ws/install/setup.bash
  3. Activate Virtual Environment:

    $ source act/bin/activate
  4. Start Training

    $ cd /path/to/act/repository/
    $ python3 \
      --task_name aloha_stationary_dummy \
      --ckpt_dir <ckpt dir> \
      --policy_class ACT \
      --kl_weight 10 \
      --chunk_size 100 \
      --hidden_dim 512 \
      --batch_size 8 \
      --dim_feedforward 3200 \
      --num_epochs 2000 \
      --lr 1e-5 \
      --seed 0


  • task_name argument should match one of the task names in the TASK_CONFIGS, as configured in the Task Creation section.
  • ckpt_dir: The relative location where the checkpoints and best policy will be stored.
  • policy_class: Determines the choice of policy ‘ACT’/’CNNMLP’.
  • kl_weight: Controls the balance between exploration and exploitation.
  • chunk_size: Determines the length of the action sequence. K=1 is no action chunking and K=episode length is full open loop control.
  • batch_size: Low batch size leads to better generalization and high batch size results in slower convergence but faster training time.
  • num_epochs: Too many epochs lead to overfitting; too few epochs may not allow the model to learn.
  • lr: Higher learning rate can lead to faster convergence but may overshoot the optima, while lower learning rate might lead to slower but stable optimization.


We recommend the following parameters:

Parameter Value
Policy Class ACT
KL Weight 10
Chunk Size 100
Batch Size 2
Num of Epochs 3000
Learning Rate 1e-5


To evaluate a trained model, follow the steps below:

  1. Bring up the ALOHA

  2. Configure the environment

    $ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash  # Configure ROS system install environment
    $ source interbotix_ws/install/setup.bash  # Configure ROS workspace environment
    $ source /<path_to_aloha_venv>/bin/activate  # Configure ALOHA Python environment
    $ cd ~/<act_repository>/act/
  3. Run the evaluation script

     python3 \
      --task_name aloha_stationary_dummy \
      --ckpt_dir <ckpt dir> \
      --policy_class ACT \
      --kl_weight 10 \
      --chunk_size 100 \
      --hidden_dim 512 \
      --batch_size 8 \
      --dim_feedforward 3200 \
      --num_epochs 2000 \
      --lr 1e-5 \
      --seed 0 \
      --eval \


  • The task_name argument should match one of the task names in the TASK_CONFIGS, as configured in the Task Creation section.
  • The ckpt_dir argument should match the correct relative directory location of the trained policy.
  • The eval flag will set the script into evaluation mode.
  • The temporal_agg is not required, but helps to smoothen the trajectory of the robots.